Saturday, April 08, 2006
a few comments
First of all, Strulson congrats on firming up your plans. I got all misty-eyed too, when I read of your migration across the country, but then I realized that I did the same thing, so I can't really say much. Except I'm sure people will miss you the way I miss all of you here in Texas. Hey actually, you've moved closer ... it's all part of my evil plan to lure each one of my friends farther and farther west. Muhahaha.
Anway, I feel a roadtrip to St. Louis coming (and we can come to Texas after and you all can visit me!).
Also, Laurie, I love Ray Bradbury and love All Summer in a Day and got to teach it to middle schoolers once while I was subbing. I'm so giddy now that I know you share my love!
As for me, I am in the process of applying for teaching jobs here in San Antonio. So I will be a here a while longer. I'm not sure how long. I think the plan is now that I want to teach a while and then in a couple of years go to grad school god knows where.
Soo, for now I am still here in Texas (pronounced "tay-hoss" for those of us here in S.A.)
I plan to come home in the beginning of August, pick up my car and move all my stuff down here (this is kind of scary actually writing that). So I hope to see all of you before I embark on my cross-country tour and hopefully struls won't be gone yet either.
Anway, I feel a roadtrip to St. Louis coming (and we can come to Texas after and you all can visit me!).
Also, Laurie, I love Ray Bradbury and love All Summer in a Day and got to teach it to middle schoolers once while I was subbing. I'm so giddy now that I know you share my love!
As for me, I am in the process of applying for teaching jobs here in San Antonio. So I will be a here a while longer. I'm not sure how long. I think the plan is now that I want to teach a while and then in a couple of years go to grad school god knows where.
Soo, for now I am still here in Texas (pronounced "tay-hoss" for those of us here in S.A.)
I plan to come home in the beginning of August, pick up my car and move all my stuff down here (this is kind of scary actually writing that). So I hope to see all of you before I embark on my cross-country tour and hopefully struls won't be gone yet either.
Friday, April 07, 2006
On baseball
So my dad and I are the only real Phillies fans in my family. Jesse hasn't really caught the fever yet and my mom and sister can't even remember my favorite player that I saw hit the cycle in person (Greg Jefferies), so they don't count.
So anyway, my dad has this Frankenstein of a radio hooked up in the garage and we listen to games out there when I'm home. This is technically father-son bonding time but we never call it that because that would not be macho. But now that I moved down south and have to watch the Phils on the computer, life isn't quite the same. Watching baseball on yahoo is like making out with a JC Penny mannequin. Sure, it's the right shape, but everytime you make a move you get splinters in your gnards. It's exactly like internet baseball.
For example, how can I take my hat off and beg for a hit on a 2-2 count while watching at the computer? My coworkers (all girls) think I'm asking for money.
Plus, I'll minimize the window for a couple minutes to do some work and when I check back St. Louis has scored 4 runs, the pitcher changed and the Phanatic has lit a crippled toddler on fire. It's just not the same as watching on tv.
I guess I could watch the Nationals, but that's like making out with a mannequin (double analogy score!).
So anyway, my dad has this Frankenstein of a radio hooked up in the garage and we listen to games out there when I'm home. This is technically father-son bonding time but we never call it that because that would not be macho. But now that I moved down south and have to watch the Phils on the computer, life isn't quite the same. Watching baseball on yahoo is like making out with a JC Penny mannequin. Sure, it's the right shape, but everytime you make a move you get splinters in your gnards. It's exactly like internet baseball.
For example, how can I take my hat off and beg for a hit on a 2-2 count while watching at the computer? My coworkers (all girls) think I'm asking for money.
Plus, I'll minimize the window for a couple minutes to do some work and when I check back St. Louis has scored 4 runs, the pitcher changed and the Phanatic has lit a crippled toddler on fire. It's just not the same as watching on tv.
I guess I could watch the Nationals, but that's like making out with a mannequin (double analogy score!).
Where'd the Love go?
I find it hard to believe that both Chris and Jake have become too cool to write on this blog anymore, or that I have become uncool enough to have 3 of the last 4 posts on here. I know you guys are all saddened by the fact that I will be leaving PA, but I mean there was no 173 this week, no stupid pictures or links that I ignore. Come on guys where's the fire?! I know Mark is dying to leave a post thats length is only exceeded by its nerdiness, but he's too scared. Well Mark dont be scared, the internet is vast but I feel that here in the virtual apimpment the internet seems warm, cozy, and has a unique smell. I expected at least one Phillies suck post (hell I came close to it a couple times and I havent even had them on tv here). Well I am gonna go back to lab, but when I return I want to see some effort here guys. Just remember what the great Bambino used to say "I hate Vegetables"......I think thats something that speaks to us all. PEACE, Love to my Homeboys in da 2-5-5, word!!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This post is for the sole purpose of gloating. Not only did I win the pool, I beat all the suckers at Etown, too. For a brief, shining moment, I am king of the world.

Now, on to baseball, where I shall be trounced unspeakably.
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Weekend
As I mentioned in my previous post I was in St.Loius this weekend visiting Washington University of St.Louis (WUSTL). SInce this is the only school I got into there was a good chance I was going there, but they always fly prospective students down and wine and dine you all weekend, so I planned to take full advantage. The first night we are there they take us out to a bar where they have the whole 2nd floor reserved for us complete with buffet style food, pool tables, and open bar. Now I know you guys are thinking to yourselves what could be cooler than a room full of drunken chemists? Suffice it to say I had quite a few drinks, and I tend to get a)talkative and b) more vulgar when I get drunk (which I am sure you guys know). Well I guess the vulgarity was unaccustommed for some of the students cause I def got a few odd looks, but I was drunk so i didnt care. Other than that the night was fairly uneventful. The next night we had dinner at the chair of the departments house, again there was plenty of alcohol and food. During this I was just kinda chillen and drinking and watching some crappy NCAA basketball. During the game 3 girls came and sat down by me, and so I started to talk to them for a bit. I found out the one was the daughter of the Chair, and she was a senior at WUSTL. Her and one of her friends, she had 2 there that were both undergrads, went to go play ping pong, and as they left I made a joke about playing beer pong instead. Well they took me seriously, so here I am playing beer pong with these 3 undergrad girls while proffesors are walking around and giving us weird looks. Turns out we played a little too long, because when I went to go see where the other prospective students were, they were all gone. SO I had to get a ride back with the 3 undergrad girls ( I guess there are worse punishments). Overall not how I was hoping to make a first impression, but I had a good time, and did meet some cool people. Also it does look like I will be moving out there in the middle of August, so I want to be able to see everyone before I leave ( just to keep it in mind). Well this has been too long already so Go Phils!
A beautiful Start to a season
So as the baseball season begins anew once again, I find myself filled with optimism. This optimism is in 2 parts; 1) The Phillies 2) Fantasy. Well I got back on Sunday (I was in St.Louis this weekend, but more on that later), and proceeded to look at just to find maybe one of the worst offseason moves the phillies have pulled, trading Robinson Tejeda for David Delucci. I dont get it......I mean why trade a young pitcher with tons of potential for an aging back up outfielder? Just goes to show that Pat Gillick is truly Canadian. Also last night the Indians vs. White Sox game was on, which I decided to watch for a bit. Now I didnt realize it at first but the pitcher for the Indians, C.C. Sabathia, is on my fantasy team (one of my better picks I thought), and he was pitching quite well for 2 innings so I was quite happy with myself, that is until in the 3rd inning he was taken out with some sort of injury. So that is the start of my baseball season, I hope everyone else has had a better Opening Day experience ( I also feel that Opening Day should be a national holiday since baseball is our national past time).........Go Phils!!!!!!