Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Happy Holidays, Everybody!

Hi everyone! Hope the holidays are treating you well and that you have a safe and happy trip home in the coming weeks. Not much new to report down here in D.C. -- working a lot because my boss is about to head out on maternity leave. I just sold a bunch of prints of my photography at a PBS holiday craft sale, so that was pretty nice. I used the leftovers to make a portfolio ( I even bought a case), so I now all I need is a beret and a fake mustache and I can walk around feeling pretentious.

The weather is strange, recently -- we had snow about a week ago, but it feels like its 70 degrees outside today.

I'm running out of interesting stuff to talk about, but I want to make sure I put enough text up here to get that fat lady off of the screen. Hmm...

How are you all doing? I hear Fleming is telling people he's engaged...I wonder if the girl knows too?

Mark proposed to her from the balcony outside her window. She was sleeping at the time.
Hey, if the subconscious hears it, it's legal!

Merry Christmas, all. Hope you're well.

Chris, Jake, Craig...did yous see that email from Mad Cow? Are you guys going to try to make it to an alumni show?

I'm not sure I can, but nothing would make me happier than for the four of us to reunite (especially since I don't think I'm going to be in Jersey for New Years! :-( )

So if you guys have one of those dates in mind, let me know which. I'll be replying all for sure, hopefully tomorrow, but I'd love for something like that to work out.
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