Saturday, July 21, 2007


Movin' On Out

So the time has come for me to finally move out of the friendly bosom of my parents' care. Perhaps you've marveled at how long it has taken, but I'm finally freeing myself and moving into a place with a longtime friend and his girlfriend. Smell like a recipe for disaster? Perhaps. But at least I'll be able to have a girl over without my mom checking her I.D.

Congrsts on the decision, my man. Where are you headed?
yes congrats......although after paying rent now for 3 years I would totally be down for living with my parents again
A guy I've been friends with since kindergarten bought a house with his girlfriend, and to get started they need a little extra income, so I'm renting a bedroom from them. It has its own bathroom, too! I just need to be able to cum and go as I please.
so witty while typing one-handed

so it's close to home?
I smell Sitcom, or lube, not sure
Yeah, it's still in SJ. Like 30 minutes from where i live now but closer to Philly. You can all visit one day.

You are aware that your parents have a 90 inch HD TV?
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