Monday, February 12, 2007




173 bridges walk into a bar, and have way too many drinks. The bartender cuts them off and says, "I can't serve you. You're suspended!"

173 Cockney bridges walk into a bar, and there's a train on the other side of the room, yelling at the bridges loudly. The Cockney bridges don't hear him, and the bartender addresses them. "Hey Bridges," he says, "why are you ignoring that train over there?" The bridges apologize, "Oh, we're right sorry, guvnuh. We've been 'aving ear troubles, you see. We're worried about our engine 'earing (engineering)."

173 devils
Really running late today...let's see...

173 bridges walk into a bar, get drunk, and have their licenses suspended.

173 bridges walk into a bar, but they get sick when they can't hold their own.

173 gadgets
dammit! foiled by Mark by two minutes
173 depressed bridges walk into a bar. After an hour of moping, sulking, and drinking, the bartender asks them to leave. "Why?" ask the bridges. "Because," answers the bartender, "I'm tired of you coming in here and taking a toll on all my costumers, and we're tired of trying to lift you up all the time."

173 bridges sketched by an artist walk into a bar--they were draw bridges.

173 devils walk into a bar, looking to get forked.

173 gadgets walk into a bar, followed by the rest of the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.

173 female gadgets walk into an incest bar frequented by their fathers and quickly turn around and leave. They're gadgets, after all, not do-dads.

173 violins.
173 violins walk into a bar and ask a few men to go home for a one-night stand, no strings attached.

173 gadgets walk into a bar and are greeted by the bartender, "inspector?" They reply, "inspector? I don't even know her"

(Okay had to go for the "her" joke there even though it was over the top and way overdone)

173 bridges walk into an old west saloon. somebody picks a fight with them and only one walks out because the others couldn't draw.

173 devils walk into a bar, dying for a drink and tell the bartender, man you wouldn't believe the hell we've been through.

173 devils walk into a bar and all the women leave because they look too horny.
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