Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Look at my baby!!

This is her. Her name is Sora and that means sky.

Here we are at a Shrine.
If you were girls you would be impressed by my fatherly ways and probably want me to father some, if not all, of your children. All i can hope is that some beautifl woman stumbles accross the Apimpment and sees this photo. Whith out seeing any photos of you guys. Then my chances are gone.

Your self-deprecation only makes us love you more.

Plus, what happened to the plan?

1. go to japan
2. make babies with cute girls
3. ???
4. leave before said babies are born!
so who's baby is it?
I think if u stay in Japan long enough they just start giving you kids
I thought the first picture was of her giving us the finger.
I always try to steal babies in America, but I normally get caught.
Okay it's official Craig. You are fathering my child. I've already taken this photo and photoshopped the baby to reflect your and my features together. We will name her "Chasenickle."
That means "Can't resist a man with a baby strapped to his back" in my language.
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