Monday, January 15, 2007


It's humid, he said

I have a brief quote in the Washington Post this week -- not for anything exciting, of course, but because I happened to be downtown in DC near a water main break. You might have to login to see the article.

My quote sounds kinda stupid upon reflection --

At the U.S. Botanic Garden, which was open but had to close its restrooms because of the water outage, Drew Saunders, 29, and Jake Landis, 24, said the lack of water wasn't a problem. They said they were there just to take pictures.

"But I did overhear people saying, 'Where's the water fountain?' because it's so humid inside," Landis said.

Kind of "these pretzels are making me thirsty" effect -- no matter how I say it, it doesn't sound right.

The best part is how you're quote is kinda silly, but it ends the article as if it's the big punch. "It's so humid outside." WHAM! Take that, reader!
I know it...not to mention the obviousness of it all -- humid, in a gigantic greenhouse? Well said, Mr. Landis, well said.
Jake i think all of your words should be chronicled... You need a stenographer to follow you around.

(Chris... sorry about the terrible spelling of stenographer)
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