Friday, September 29, 2006


This ever happen to you

Well my streak of going to a hospital in every country i stay in longer than 48 hours continues. Yesterday I woke up because i wasn't breathing. My tounge had swollen up to the point where i had to push it down with my finger, and eventuially a spoon to survive. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

So not only do i go to the Hospital in everycountry i stay in longer than 48 hours. i go to the hospital in every country i stay in for longer than 48 hours for completly rediculous reasons.

Spain -- Mugged by Spanish assfaces - almost die due to head stomping. Thank you Chris Kelly for saving my life.

Japan #1 -- Vomitarrea (vomit and diarrrea at the same time) - stay in the Hospital for a freaking week because the doc thought i might have SARS*. Felt 100% better after two days. Two weeks later i saw on the net that Japan had its first SARS scare. I didn't even get credit for being the first SARS scare.  

Japan #2 -- Giant Tounge - Almost kills me, survive by quick spoon action**. The doctor asked me if i ate Pineapple (?!?!) I am better now, but my entire lip surface is covered in cold sores.

* Doctors in Japan are notorious for not changing their first diognosis, SARS symptoms have nothing to do with Vomiterra, but this Doc wasn't gonn change his mind.

**I prolly wouldn't have died, i could still breath... until i panicked... that is when i stopped breathing. I was saved by a spoon.

maybe this is a sign that u should stay in america
although when did this happen, because 2 days ago i def had a dream where u died
As an uncultured American, I didn't think they had spoons in japan. I assumed they all used giant robots to feed themselves.

Glad you're okay, buddy -- so what kind of pineapple did you eat?
Looks like we're getting spammed in the blog again.

Chris, did you not read the post? CRAIG ALMOST DIED. This is not the time for humor, man. We need to make sure everyone has a shitload of spoons, stat.
He recongized your name from the college humor link on my blog. I think he just thought it was cool you were on the main page.

Craig, stop putting your tongue in strange places.
strulzie, you are gonna need to tell me a lil more about this dream.
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