Monday, September 18, 2006


Better Belated than Bnever

Happy Birthday Craig!

(What a ridiculously short post. In fact, I have to add this extra section just to make it seem longer. Because really, I know I'll get ragged on for making a post only three words long. But I think it's rude to spend three words on Craig's escape from the womb, and the rest on how my life is going, so I don't want to post that until a bit later. However, I don't feel bad about complaining about sports in the same post as Craig's birthday wishes. How 'bout the Eagles blowing a 24-7 lead? I watched the beginning and end of the game with a Giants fan. I'd have punched him in anger, but he's about a foot taller than me. The Akers fight was pretty cool though. Reminded me of a bar brawl. Like the one Craig wrote about. Remember Craig? He's the reason for this post, after all.)

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