Wednesday, August 23, 2006


News from the other side of the world

congrats on catching the real killer... let that poor lil girl rest in peace. The coverage here is more about the American news coverage than about the actual case. It is weird. And what's going on with the new planets... there are like three planets that we just found. Insane. I can't really make out the news because it is in a stupid language (any language that isn't English is stupid).

Ok that's not what I wanted to write about so here is the real entry.
I won't be coming back to the states for a lil longer than I thought. That previous notion was created when I still had a girlfriend and there for someone waiting for me. Now that I am free I am... well... free. I may have told some of you this, but I am moving to Thailand after Japan. I have a place I can stay for a little while and I want to get a job washing elephants. That may sound weird, but it would be awesome to spend a day with elephants. I will travel all over that part of the world from there.

Then I will move again... this is more tentative... I am thinking Egypt. Jake will tell you how spellbounding it is, I'm sure. I wanna live there... The first great civilization. A great civilization so old that it is in the Bible... the beginning of the Bible. They deserve a good look. I would love to be a tour guide for one of the historical sights. If that falls through I can always wash camels. (I have used that joke quite a lot)

Well what do you think? Good idea... Bad idea? Anyone want to come join me?

I'd join you if Chris' pussy wasn't so sopping wet.

Now that I've made that joke, I'll never be able to look my grandmother in the eyes again.
yeah but who is looking at here eyes.. Her boobs are amazing!

now that i have made that joke i just want to say wet pussy or not... lets go!!
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