Thursday, August 31, 2006

I have two things you should check out.

The first is maybe one of the most awesome websites i have ever seen. It is a group in NYC that does awesome stuff and films it. You have to check out the "slo-mo home depot" video. the group is called Improv Everywhere. I would love to do the no pants on the subway gig here in Osaka or some thing!!

The other was Dave MacPherson giving a pretty funny speech, but i dunno how to put videos on this shizzle. But it was pretty funny and Dave is cool. I wanted to show you guys.

AAAAAAAAnyway. I am sad, i don't hear from you guys enough. Let me know how you guys are doing everynow and again. If you shoot me an email i promise i will respond quickly. Ispend most of my time at home wishing i had emails from my friends in the states. That and watching the Daily Show on motherload. I watch a good amout of atom films too... they are kinda fun.

I'll write you if you vote for me! Man, only five more days of vote whoring left.
You'd probably do the same in my spot.

Yeah, how do we see Dave's video?
i dunno... it is on youtube. his ID is dmac1982 and he has a bunch of MC videos and this speech and a couple videos of him shaking his butt to rap music.
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