Thursday, May 11, 2006
I wish I was Jake
If I were Jake, I could take cool photos and know lots of photo stuff too.
I love photography, and I love video making/editting. But I don't do any of that. Why don't I do any of that? Because I'm lame.
But to make myself feel better about all that, I will be posting pictures. And maybe telling a few tales; spinning a few yarns, if you will. And if you won't, I'll do it for you. Which is what I was planning on anyway.
What the hell am I saying? I'm on too much Benodryl right now. Did you know there's pollen in Taxachusetts? I didn't. Until now. When it all invaded my apartment.
First off, I get revenge for Jake posting a Freshman year photo of me:

Next, this is a cookie that looks like the Millenium Falcon:

Mission: Improvable said farewell to their seniors last Saturday, and each got 20 seconds (or more) to say goodbye however they chose. Tyler, a wild and crazy guy, made a dramatic speech to swelling background music, about how he wore the EXACT SAME torn jeans in (nearly) every single Mission show he ever performed in. He then led the audience outside as he juggled flaming torches and said his pants:

The girl on the left is Stefanie. She's from Mt Holyoke (you can call her MoHo and it's ok!). She's also very cool, mostly because she's from Jersey, and because she thinks she can do a gansta walk:

And lastly, a flashback picture I enjoy looking at during a long and lonely archaeology night:

More pictures may come one day. Or I may do something with my own blog I want to start, but find everything I say more or less uninteresting and/or self-serving. I want to use it to keep writing over the summer though, to try and stay inspired for Sketch. Our final show is tomorrow night, I have a sketch in it about saving Abraham Lincoln.
History rulz!
I love photography, and I love video making/editting. But I don't do any of that. Why don't I do any of that? Because I'm lame.
But to make myself feel better about all that, I will be posting pictures. And maybe telling a few tales; spinning a few yarns, if you will. And if you won't, I'll do it for you. Which is what I was planning on anyway.
What the hell am I saying? I'm on too much Benodryl right now. Did you know there's pollen in Taxachusetts? I didn't. Until now. When it all invaded my apartment.
First off, I get revenge for Jake posting a Freshman year photo of me:

Next, this is a cookie that looks like the Millenium Falcon:

Mission: Improvable said farewell to their seniors last Saturday, and each got 20 seconds (or more) to say goodbye however they chose. Tyler, a wild and crazy guy, made a dramatic speech to swelling background music, about how he wore the EXACT SAME torn jeans in (nearly) every single Mission show he ever performed in. He then led the audience outside as he juggled flaming torches and said his pants:

The girl on the left is Stefanie. She's from Mt Holyoke (you can call her MoHo and it's ok!). She's also very cool, mostly because she's from Jersey, and because she thinks she can do a gansta walk:

And lastly, a flashback picture I enjoy looking at during a long and lonely archaeology night:

More pictures may come one day. Or I may do something with my own blog I want to start, but find everything I say more or less uninteresting and/or self-serving. I want to use it to keep writing over the summer though, to try and stay inspired for Sketch. Our final show is tomorrow night, I have a sketch in it about saving Abraham Lincoln.
History rulz!