Monday, March 06, 2006


Speed Demon

It's been awhile since I made an actual post because things have been so hectic at work. Nothing too interesting (except for a story that happened on our opening day) - but I'll save that goody for another time. So I'm making an effort to sit down and write out a little something to you guys.

About a month ago I was on my way in to work and I had turned out of my apartment building onto the road (which is still a residential area - not a main road). Granted this was the 15th day straight I was working - all I was thinking about was that I was late - since it was 8:00 on the dot and how much work I had to do waiting for me. When I passed a cop on the road, who immediately turned around & followed me for over a mile. Then he turned the lights on and pulled me over. Of course the first word out of my mouth is a curse word. I actually had no idea why he pulled me over - but I still had PA plates on my car. Turns out I was going 42 in a 25mph zone. Wonderful. Now I tried the tears & explaining that I was going in to work...blah, blah. But nothing. I got slapped with a ticket (literally - it hurt). Now this isn't my first ticket - I definitely deserved the first one I got. But I seriously had no idea why he was pulling me over that early in the morning when I was innocently driving to work. My favorite part was when he was explaining to me (right after I said I just moved down here) where the courthouse was - he actually said - do you know where the courthouse is? I'm like - NO! I know how to drive the 3 miles from my apartment to the expo center & back. Ridiculous, I tell you.

Anyways, today was my court date - because I was a rebel and didn't plead guilty to just send money to the officer's children's college fund. It was the craziest ordeal I have ever seen. I took off this morning from work to find myself in hickville at a courthouse that looked like it was straight out of the Andy Griffth Show. Yes, they did put me through a metal detector when I went in...but when I asked the officer where should I go - he said through the only door that was in the lobby. And I said - that's it?! And sure enough - a one room courthouse with all the disobeying traffic offenders from the county.

I think out of everyone my case was the least threatening to the general public. The officer that pulled me over showed up with a baseball bat in a plastic bag for one of the other cases that was there. As much as I wanted to hate the guy - he was doing his job and all I wanted to know was the story behind the baseball bat. Anywho - after standing before the judge I basically had to still pay the fine, but nothing is on my record. But they do offer drivers school for traffic violations - which means you sit in front of a computer and take a test online. Ummm...sure. I now feel safe on the road knowing that the girl who was tried before me in court today can now continue to drive 95 in a 65mph zone. Oh and her case was dismissed because the officer didn't show up.

I have now come to the conclusion that traffic violations & speeding tickets are just purely bad luck. Because you can't really avoid them - there will always be a time when you slip over that speed limit or when you are passing a school bus and are almost past it when the yellow lights are turned on & you get pulled over 5 miles down the road for disobeying a school bus stop (some other lady in the court today). I have no faith in the traffic system.

For those who have never had the priviledge of riding in the car with Laurie, she redefines "road rage." So if the cops are going to ticket her, why do it when he's relatively peaceful in the morning? Why not wait until incredible hulk laurie emerges on the drive home, running over little old ladies and flipping off school buses?
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