Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Something needs to be said...

Hey guys,

Just a quick list of sorries.

1) Sorry about the connection troubles during the baseball draft. I was at home for Spring Break, and hijacking the neighbor's wireless connection, which occationally has jumps in connection, but has never kicked me off AIM. Unfortunately, the chat room couldn't handle those jumps. Thanks for putting up with me.

2) Sorry I missed 173. I got back to my apartment, and haven't had internet access until I got Comcast to come out to the apartment building and restore it. I wasn't able to get to a computer most of Monday.

3) Sorry, but April is probably not going to work for a Phillies game. While I really *really* want to go, the 21st is my long-form Improv debut, so I can't get home that weekend, and Lindsey is coming here the last weekend in April. If this changes, I'll let you know, but don't count me into a ticket count or anything (though Jake is awesome for offering). If another opportunity presents itself, I'm definitely down for that.

4) Sorry for letting you all know about that so late.

5) There is no number five.

6) This isn't a sorry, but Settlers of Catan rocks. I am going to look into Erik's post about playing it on the computer.

7) Happy birthday Laurie!

8) Sorry for being a massive tool.

Ok, I think I've attoned for everything. AA will be happy.

You didn't apologize for not letting me wear your cashmere sweater at that party.
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