Friday, March 03, 2006


Friday and the World is Fine

So it's friday afternoon, suckers, and I'm tired of seeing the previous post everytime I click on this site. Time for some dynamic, meaningless content!

Do you ever go into a restaurant and completely prepare yourself to order, only to get flustered and look like an idiot? Let me give you an example:

If I want a hamburger, and the menu says the hamburger comes with choice of fries or salad, I'm damn ready when the waiter comes.

"Hamburger, medium, w/ salad."

But what if this waiter throws in "What type of dressing would you like, sir?"

Then your fucked! All that prep time for nothing. Suddenly you're all like "Ranch... no, wait... peppercorn! Wait, peppercorn is ranch? Italian! No! Sonofabitch! Die, you menu-folding order-nazi!"

And then you attack him with a butter knife? Am I the only one?

That is EXACTLY what happens to me!

I (esp in drive thrus) have a great meal picked out, then panic and default to my normal meal.

It sucks, and leads me to be the butt of many jokes.
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