Wednesday, March 08, 2006



I miss you all. I had a dream the other night that we were all here at my house for some kind of a party and Mark, you showed up. And I was all like, 'Mark Fleming! Where have you been." And you had a red beard. And everyone else was teasing you about it Mark, but then I felt bad for you and reached to touch it and when I did, it wasn't there!!! It was like a beard hologram.

thanks for the love chris. hope it still comes when i'm committed to the state hospital.
You act like you're the only one who dreams about beard holograms.

One time I saw a mustache.


You are the coolest girl I know.

I'm very jealous I can't grow a beard (as is reminded to me daily by all the guys in Sketch with beards).

Should a beard hologram every be invented, you can rest assured I'd be buying it.
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