Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Boldly stepping into the new millenium

As I sit here today and think about a variety of feelings and cravings (I have a hankering for a cheesesteak), I realize how much old age is starting to set in and taking over my lifestyle. At this particular moment I am wearing a pink polo shirt, now I dont know if you guys remembered my fashion sense at Etown, but I dont think a pink polo shirt is what would have been expected of me. Yet now adays (that looks funny when its two words) I do not even bat an eye at this slightly metrosexual apparell. This may not be so bad had I not picked up another nasty habit of matching the color of my underwear to the color of my shirt, so now not only am I wearing a pink shirt but this morning while my gf wasnt looking I had to steal a pink thong ( ok it prolly didnt have to be a thong, butt what can I say). Again this may have seemed strange a few years ago, but now is all just common place. This makes me ask the question have any of you had major lifestyle changes in your old age ( I am looking at you Laurie since you're like 45 these days.....maybe u can give us some details on menopause). Hopefully your changes are not as bad as mine (metrosexual bordering on transexual) but it is interesting to think about. And I am sorry for the crack about the age Laurie, so to make it up to you I will leave with a mental image of me in a pink thong doing ballet leaps down the hallways of a buliding.

you want to feel old, get married. It's not neccessarily a bad thing but I have closed the door on my crazy antics. You also have to save when you are old and married, no random trips to AC, no big screen TV, only buy used video games (not like you'll be playing the same great excesses of younger days).

However the thing that makes me officially feel old is that I have turned down sex numerous times for the sole reason of being too tired. I had always heard about people being too tired, but I always said no way that's not going to be me.

Now if'll you excuse me I need to go drink a glass of milk to stay regular.

~old man Linthands
I actually feel really young most of the time. Maybe it's because I'm not lucky enough to be hanging out with the college crowd into my mid-twenties, or maybe because I'm dating old lady Laurie, but being 23 in the corporate world and you're practically a teenager.

The only time I really feel old is when I turn on the tv and see athletes or celebrities that are 21 and kicking more ass than I can hope to kick by 80.

The only post-college habit I picked up is trying to seriously save money. It sucks and I never make enough to get where I want. Guess that's the human condition.
I felt...well, not old, but weird...the other day.

It was a friend's 21st birthday, so we went to a bar.

But it's all these juniors and seniors who have known each other a long while now, while I feel like a freshman. But a freshman who can drink.

So I guess I felt...young?
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