Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Submitted for your approval...

Laurie called me at work today and demanded to hear a 173 joke involving candles. Well, I've never left a lady wanting (at least in terms of comedy), so I came up with this -

173 candles walk into a bar and order a drink. They finish it quickly and signal the bartender. The bartender says, "What do you want?" The candles reply, "One more, ah?"

This happens a couple more time until the candles are obviously drunk and slurring their speech. They signal to the bartender and he says, "What do you want?"

The candles reply, "Men or, ah?

y brilliant
tough crowd

maybe i should open up my head and remove my brain so we could be equals
This is a classic (dating back to last week) example of richmaning the joke. ie overexplaining the joke and taking it to long.

Had you left it at the one more ah. That was enough. I had actually stopped reading assuming that was your punch line when I was dumbfounded that it went on like The Talented Mr Ripley.

Now if you'll excuse me I am thirsty and need to drink deeply from my Haterorade
To defend it somewhat, I think it reads differently than if it were spoken on stage. If I had finished with "One more, ah?" Everyone would have been like "what?"

It sounded pretty good when i said it on the phone improv style, so you can all suck it.
Haha. The Lindy Hop. Homer dressed like a Panda. Good times.

173 Candles walked into a bar. The bartender said "I can't serve 173 candles here! But I know a bar that can."

The candles respond "WICK way is it?"
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