Thursday, February 23, 2006


173 Pandas

173 pandas walk into a bar and have a seat. A few minutes later a really hot and rare australian panda walks in cozies on up to the 173 pandas and in a sexy voice purrs g'day... mate. The 173 pandas take a look at her say that line only works on us if you've known us for 3-4 years.

A 173 pandas walk into a bar and start chatting up a hot chick. She's like I would never get with a 173 pandas, and the pandas go, why not we're HONG like king KONG.

Hunters shoot and severly wound 173 pandas, who then stumble into a sunburned zebra, newspaper bar, and no one thinks there's anything wrong.

I dont get it
Pandas are notoriously difficult to get to mate, usually takes several years,

Hong Kong is a providence of China where Panda's are from

a shot panda is black and white and red all over just like a sunburned zebra and newspaper.

I am the doonesbury of 173 jokes. now excuse me I need to vent to Dennis Miller
I still don't get it.
animal jokes are lame
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