Wednesday, January 04, 2006
One Kick, Two Kick, Three Kick....Finally, it's GOOD!

I'm making a quick post to share how excited I am about last night's Orange Bowl game. There was so much anticipation for this game in my family because my Dad went to Penn State, and my mom went to Florida State. So this was the second time I remember seeing them play each other (last time was in 1990). I remember as a 9 year old (yes, I'm that old) watching it with so much enthusiasm while Florida State won. My dad, accepting defeat gracefully, went out and bought TONS of FSU merchandise and decorated our family room with maroon & gold.
But now as a PSU fan, I can't even begin to explain the sheer excitement I had with that game last night. I stayed up sitting 2 feet from the TV with silent cheers (my roommate was sleeping) and dances (for the guys - if it helps you get through this story - I was wearing a cheerleading uniform). The game was so awesome! (I'm not going to go into any technical football stuff because I don't want to sound like an idiot). But if this is how you guys get watching the NFL or playing Fantasy Football - sign me up. Although I'm sure I see things a little different than you because I wish JoePa was my surrogate grandfather & I'm in love with Michael Robinson.
Excuse me while I go explode.
P.S. If you find any great Orange Bowl merch online let me know where - I want to get some collectibles for the parents.