Friday, January 13, 2006


An Evening at Applebee's

Hello Friends, How r all u? Well just thought I would post a little sumthin-sumthinup in this biznitch. On Wednesday me and my friends (my friends and I for you english majors) ventured down to Applebees (hence the title of the post) for some karoake kraziness. Upon arrival I notice that the only people that are singing are these 4 old people. While I have nothing against old people, these ones kept singing very depressing slow country songs which was kinda not fun, but they did have cool names to go up to do Karoake, for example there was "Handsome" Harry who was handsome and his hand shook when he held the microphone, so he also had sound effects. I eventually was able to break into the old people circle and broke out a little Styxx, thats right Renegade mutherfukers. Now this song is a) long b) kinda high in the note range, so I felt bad for everyone there. My friend Kyle then offered me redemption by asking if I would sing with him. We did a little Garth Brookes ( Friends in Low Places) which the crowd was pretty enthuised about so I was feeling good. Then randomly this lady that was there just walked up and stood in between me and Kyle, now this lady was not attractive by any sense of the word, but I was like ok she prolly just wants to sing so I held the microphone up for her. Well she just stood there and stared at me, it was soooo creepy, and she stayed there the whole time. That ended my night of karoake, but we did make my friend sing the song Elvira because that was the name of the girl he had been dating for a while and had just broken up with. That is whats been goin down up here in the 'Burg. And just remember I love Ho's, I just dont pay them.

Oh strulson, if I'd have been there I totally would have supported you, by freakishly staring you down until you cried like the baby I know is in there.
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