Thursday, November 17, 2005


Big mouths and the small men they belong to

There comes a time in a mans life where he needs to stand for what he believes in and fight against all odds in order to make his beliefs known (get out of here cat!). We normally refer to these individuals as heroes or martyrs or stubborn. Today, or I guess it could have been yesterday I cant really see the date things were posted due to my lovely bout with pink eye) was our friend Chris Richman's day. Just take a moment to visualize the man we all know and love sitting at5 his computer and with every keystroke of his last post feeling the overwhelming sense of satisfactoriness and nobility. Can you see the goofy grin? Can you smell the sweat that was pouring all over his body? Can you hear his screams as he tells someone who isnt there to come look at what hes doing? I know I can, and today I am truly proud to call Chris Richman my hero. Now to most of us maybe having ur day of triumph be about posting in a virtual world may seem kinda depressing, I know you were all thinking of it, but I for one am going to disagree with your negativity. I mean if you think about it half of what the man does as a living is in this virtual world ( yes I am talking about the 80 different websites that are plastered shamelessly in his profile). If you can not be happy andstandup for yourself in ur place of comfort than what kind of being are you? I realize as I type this you all may be moved to standup for yourselves and ur respected beliefs, and I encourage you all to do so, just remember who gave you that inspiration, and think about what he is prolly doing right now (my guess is watching a couple of co-eds on campus and thinking he could totally nail them if he werent so attracted to James Vanderbeeck). I tip my hat to you Chris for showing us all how truly terrible a human being we all are, hopefully we can repay you someday!!!!!


P.S. CHris we should hang out over thanksgiving

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