Wednesday, October 26, 2005


From an heiress of 255

Aaaah, Dennis, Outkast pump-up music for Madden, Twizzlers, and shirtless ping pong ... just a few of the memories that provide me some solace in this stark stark lone star land devoid of you all. This blog is a great idea; I can't promise I'll write more than once every full moon, but I can promise I'll laugh my donkey [that's ass to the layperson] off everytime I catch up on all the posts.
I'll save cheesiness and weeping miserbly for an email, but here are a few questions I have been wondering lately. Why would someone at our local grocery store give me a nasty look for wearing a t-shirt that says Mad Cow Improv? Do they have a problem with improvisational comedy done by a group of couldn't-tell-they-weren't-professional young men and women? And who the heck are these "cowboys" anyway and why are people cheering for them at the bar? Do they not know that only one man and one team are worthy of breaking out into cheers that my soupline guests would describe as "screaming like a white lady running out the east side"? Why am I the only one in my house spelling E-A-G-L-E-S and becoming physically ill when they lose horribly to the aforementioned "boys"? Why do people blankly stare at me when they say "can you toss the salad" in soupline and I can't do anything but laugh and wipe a tear from my eye, and say, "oh I'll toss your salad"? Basically, who are these people; where is this place; and what have they done with the apartment I called home even before I lived there and the people in it who couldn't stop making me laugh?
These are just some of my questions ... can the wisdom of 255 (the same wisdom that brought you drunk phone calls, idiotic movies, 12 hrs of daily madden, and much much more) offer any advice?
Oh and I remember the (probably daily) pile up of girls all over strulson and his boobs ...I was the one over in the kitchen running into a closed window most likely.
You take care, now ya'll!
Steph G-Snickle

hehe... grosspimple
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